UE4 Player Statistics
User Guide (v1.5)
UE4 Player Statistics is a free UE4 plugin that allows developers to easily create, manage and display player statistics using either blueprint code or C++. Some examples of statistics which could be stored/tracked include: total playtime, accuracy percentage, average score, highest jump, fastest time to complete a task, challenges completed etc.
This guide covers all required steps to set up the plugin with blueprint and C++. Note - everything can be done entirely using blueprints. There are no requirements to write any C++ code unless specifically desired.
Links and Support
- Purchase on FAB: Fab Listing
- Itch.io: https://samcarey.itch.io/ue4-achievement-system
- Official Website: www.samcarey.tech
- Support Email: contact@samcarey.tech
- Join the Community on Discord: discord.gg/BzmVednF2n
- Report Issues: Bug Report Form
Key Features
- Track player statistics of different types.
- Choose one of 8 types (Average, Binary Percentage, Int Counter, Float Counter, Custom Text, High Score, Low Score or Timer)
- Categorise and display statistics in groups.
- Automatic saving/loading.
- Automatically populating list widget for displaying progress to users.
- Compatible with both Blueprint and C++.